- Opening times
- Tuesday 11am-4pm
- Friday 11am-4pm
Contact number: 07946857713
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Address: 4 Laxdale Lane, Stornoway
Terri Pelleymounter
HND beauty therapist and 1:1 Diet consultant
Weight Loss
After successfully losing 3 stone with the 1:1 Diet Terri embarked on a career as an independent 1:1 Diet consultant. She offers one-to-one support where she will create a personalised weight-loss plan that will tie in with your lifestyle. We offer a number of nutritionally balanced programmes ranging from 450cal to 1500cal per day. Prices range from £35 per week to £70, depending on the amount of products required on your chosen step.
The initial consultation takes approximately 1 hour, and follow up appointments are weekly and last typically 15 minutes.
Contact Terri on 07946857713 for more information or to book a consultation.
Terri, before and after